Copywriter & Storyweaver

Are you Cultivating Habits of Success?


Every life is made up of moments. Those moments pass by in a blink if you aren’t paying attention. In those moments, as a human, you have the unique ability to choose what you want to happen in your next moment. That’s the beauty of your creative power and your creative mind.

Humans also, by nature, veer to complacency and comfort. Your brain and body wants to stay at a certain level of comfort and familiarity, so you form habits. Like a massive train, creeping inch-by-inch to its final destination, ultimately those habits form your present moments and final destiny.

There’s an old saying that goes:

Show me your habits, and I’ll show you your future.

Author Unknown

So, what habits are you cultivating today? Is there room for improvement?

About the author

My Name is Cori

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By My Name is Cori
Copywriter & Storyweaver

My Name is Cori

How Can I Help?

I am a full-time copywriter, ghostwriter, and certified word nerd.

Or maybe just certifiable? Either way, words are my thing.

I believe the right words, said in the right way, at the right time, hold so much power.

If you agree, I'd love to chat more about your current projects and see if we'd be a good fit.

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